So, You’re Voting for Biden?

Mark Beese
9 min readAug 22, 2020

So, you are voting for Biden? Tell me why without mentioning Trump.

A good friend of mine posted a meme with this challenge. Here is my reply.

First, why not mention Trump? It’s all about the type of person he is and how he has failed as a leader. I’m voting for Biden because he is the anti-Trump. Here are a few reasons why we need an anti-Trump.

Environment — The current administration has made policy and funding changes that have a negative affect on the environment, from elimination and reduction of protections to clean air and water, reduction of pollution standards, weakening of the Endangered Species Act, and reduction of protection of sacred areas including Bears Ears National Monument to ANWAR. Democrats will restore policies and funding to protect our natural treasures and restore policies to assure clean air, water and soil.

Renewable Energy — The current administration has withheld congress-approved funding for renewable energy investments and has cut DOE research programs that make renewable energy more efficient and effective. Meanwhile, he continues to support coal, oil and carbon-based industries. Democrats will support economic growth through renewables and a more sustainable economy, providing new jobs and creating a cleaner environment.

Climate Change — The current administration are climate change deniers, and their policies have followed their belief, against the consensus of scientists worldwide. The withdrawal from the Paris Climate Accord is one of many steps that has removed and discredited the USA as a global leader in the reduction of carbon emissions and the reliance on oil and gas. Defunding of climate research and reporting, along with slowing or stopping interventions such as the CAFE standards are two examples of how climate denying has slowed the USA’s effort to fight climate change. Democrats realize the dire threat of climate change, and will work with the rest of the world to slow and reverse this trend that is affecting our weather, forest fires, coastal towns and cities, economy and lifestyle.

Pandemic — The president has failed to recognize the danger and has personally acted in ways that have led to more sickness and death than necessary. His initial reaction was to downplay the threat and continues by refusing to wear a mask, encouraging unsafe behavior in the country. He silences opposing voices, such as Dr. Fauci, who warn of dire consequences without widespread preventive measures. These measures sometimes have economic impact, such as closing schools and businesses, which might impact the president’s chance of re-election, so he discredits them and silences their voices. The USA has the worst record in terms of positive cases, hospitalizations and deaths in the world. Thousands of people have died needlessly. Hundreds of thousands of family members are mourning the premature death of their parents, family members and friends because of Covid.

Democrats understand that we need national leaders that inspire compliance with health precautions (such as mask wearing) as patriotic and part of our culture of caring for each other.

Immigration — The current administration has restricted legal immigration significantly, affecting many US industries including tech, agriculture, hospitality and many others. His policies in how those seeking asylum (which is legal immigration), putting them in unsafe and unhealthy detention centers, separating children from parents, and quite literally putting them in cages is inhuman. The president has characterized illegal immigrants as dangerous criminals, when most are just looking for a way to better their life or escape poverty or oppression. The USA imposed strict (and arguably unconstitutional) restrictions on temporary visas, affecting many who wish to visit the USA. This policy prevented thousands of Scouts admission to the county to attend the 2019 World Scout Jamboree last year. I know — many of their leaders contacted me begging for help to get a USA visa approved in time. Nearly the entire Nepal contingent were denied entry, for example.

Democrats have always supported the deportation of criminal illegal immigrants, but have also been supportive of those who are here contributing to our economy (often working jobs that others refuse to do), paying taxes and for those who came here as children (DACA). I want to be part of a country that treats everyone with respect, regardless of where they were born or what language they speak.

World Peace

The current administration has alienated the nation from our allies in Europe, North America and Asia. The president started his term with insulting and threatening members of NATO, making them question the USA’s commitment to our EU allies. Our Sect. of State tried to work with NATO in the wave of these threats, but ended up being fired by the president. He has ruined working relationships with Mexico and Canada over issues of immigration, trade and security. His actions have led to a trade war with China that has crippled our agriculture industry. His actions with North Korea have severely affected our partnership with South Korea. His racist remarks and tweets have insulted allies throughout Africa, South America and Asia. He ignores and discredits US intelligence reports in favor of Russian leaders on many issues. I could go on and on. This is not an administration that is committed to world peace and leadership. It is an administration that is decidedly anti-globalism and pro-USA isolationism. Democrats (and a lot of Republicans) understand the importance for the USA to be a strong global citizen and leader, our role as a voice (and sometimes force) for peace, and that isolationism is not a path to global peace, stability and prosperity.

Respect for others vs. Racism and Sexism

The current administration is led by a bully, that consistently demeans people. I’ve seen him insult and mock women, people with physical disabilities, people from different countries, Muslims, Asians, and people of color. His words and policies have discriminated against the LGBTQ community. This is no way to lead a country, especially one that is as diverse as the United States of America. He has surrounded himself with mostly middle aged (or older) white males in his cabinet and advisors. He has fueled racism in the country with his explicit and inexplicit support of white supremacy policies (ie, comments about “good people on both sides” and housing policies to prevent low income housing in (white) suburbs). I want to live in a country led by someone who models respect for other people, even if they disagree with them.

From what I can tell, the Democrats treat people with respect, denounce racism in the words and actions, and will promote inclusion, diversity and equality in their leadership.

Voter Suppression

This whole post office red herring is an example of trying to discredit the voting process and discouraging voting. The president is purposefully deceiving Americans with the goal of voter suppression. In Colorado, where I live, we’ve been voting by mail or drop-off location for years, resulting in lower fraud and higher participation in the democratic process. Democrats stand for voter engagement, not suppression.

American Exceptionalism and Christian Nationalism

The belief that America is better than all other countries and that we are a “Christian” nation, formed by and for Christians, are dangerous ideologies. I love the USA, its people, its democracy, its opportunities, and especially its wonderful natural landscapes and resources. It really is a great country, but to believe that “we’re number one” or “we will win at all costs”, blinds us from ideas, philosophies and people from other countries that we can learn from. The USA does not have the best health care system, the best education system, the best inclusive culture, (I could go on). When today, in 2020, a black person is pulled over by police and wonders if his or her life is at risk, we can’t claim American exceptionalism as reality. Far from it.

A related claim that America was founded by and for Christians (especially held by what is now known as “Evangelical Christianity”, excluding Catholics, Mormons (LDS), and some Protestant religions) is equally dangerous and untrue. By continuing this myth and ideology, Americans discount and marginalize the contributions and full citizenship of people of other faiths.

The way forward is a path of diversity, inclusion, equality and love, not arrogant exceptionalism and religious superiority. Democrats seem to get this. After watching their nightly commercial called a convention last week, they worked hard to show a diverse and inclusive image — not in a tokenized way — and if we can judge their commitment to diversity by the Obama/Biden cabinet and appointees, we can expect a similar diversity in a Biden/Harris administration.

Character Counts

“Character Counts” is one of the tagline of the Boy Scouts of America. As many of my friends know, I’ve been involved in Scouting for most of my life. Scouts ascribe to a promise and law that reflects values such as cleanliness in thought, word and deed, helpful to others, courteous, kind, and trustworthy.

The current president has character problems. He repeatedly tells lies, promotes disinformation, encourages conspiracy theories, and denies intelligence, science and facts. This is a president that refuses to wear and encourage mask wearing when the CDC says it is one of the best ways to reduce risk. He fuels racism and encourages racists. I wish I was making this up, but all of these are well documented.

At the last National Boy Scout Jamboree, he embarrassed both his audience and his government with his inappropriate stories and references when he appeared in person. He surrounded himself with advisors who have selfish and sometimes evil intentions. Some advisors, including his top three campaign advisors and personal attorney, have or are facing criminal charges. Other advisors who tried to be the “adult in the room” have resigned or were fired, like Rex Tillerson. Tillerson, a Scout, tried to positively influence Trump and his cabinet, but was soon isolated and fired.

The president continually lets partisan politics get in the way of good government. Withholding pandemic aid to primarily Democratic states, cutting funding to the post office and (and yes, this is true) telling California that the US government is withholding emergency aid for the wild fires because they didn’t rake leaves sufficiently, are examples of this. This is about character.

While Mr. Biden is far from perfect, but based on his 77 of history, we can safely say his character is cut from a different book than Mr. Trump’s. When choosing a leader, one’s character is a top consideration for me. Indeed, if I were to choose one single issue to hinge a vote on, it would be character.

I know some people who are one-issue voters. They will chose a candidate or party based on her or his views on abortion, lower taxes, smaller government, healthcare, personal religious beliefs, “law and order”, world views (globalism vs. isolationism) or other views. For me, one’s character as seen in “thought, word and deed” trumps any one-issue. I’d rather have a leader that is trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave and reverent. Give me a leader that strives to do her or his best to do duty to God and country, to help others at all times, and to be physically fit, mentally awake and morally straight.

A personal note

Some people view our democracy with distain and distance. “It doesn’t matter which way I vote, or whether I vote — politicians are all the same.” Or, “I always vote a certain way because of XYZ issue.” As a counsellor for the three “Citizenship” merit badges, (Citizenship in the Nation, Citizenship in the Community and Citizenship in the World), I disagree. Voting matters. Citizens matter. Governments matters.

As I write this today, I can’t see the mountain across the valley because of the smoke from massive wildfires across the Western US. I am making decisions about whether to send my child back to school in the midst of a pandemic. My business is uncertain because of a recession and health crisis.

Last summer I was a volunteer with the World Scout Jamboree, held in West Virginia. I fielded questions from Scouts around the world who were unable to attend because they could not get a US Visa for the Jamboree. Immigrant friends, now in the USA, are afraid of their status changing and their future here.

My clients in other countries ask me, “What the bleep is going on in your country?”. A friend from Nepal texts me to check in on our welfare because of Covid. Their average daily Covid positivity rate is about the same as Colorado, even though they have six times the population. Yep. Nepal is doing better than the US in fighting Covid-19.

A friend of mine defines inclusivity as, “making everyone feel welcome and accepted.” Yet, many people in the USA don’t feel welcome and accepted. Driving while black is still a thing. So is police brutality. We have a president that frequently demeans fellow citizens and residents based on their gender, religious beliefs, economic status, background, sexual orientation, and physical ability. This is wrong. Citizens need to call out such behavior, vote for leaders with character, and hold them accountable.

My friends also know that I am part of a transracial family. I am sensitive to issues of racism, immigration and prejudice.

Issues of environmental conservation and preservation, renewable energy, climate change, pandemic preparation and management, world peace, immigration, voter suppression, leadership by example, racism-sexism, dignity, and personal character are important to me, and will drive how I vote. For me, this is personal, real, and vitally important to future of our nation.

This, my friend, is why I am voting for Biden, the anti-Trump.



Mark Beese

Leadership, Biz Dev and Marketing Consultant that works with lawyers and other professionals